Research & Innovation Centre

What is it

In our Research & Innovation Centre we are validating the performance of the DrainTalent system. The whole study is supervised by an independent consultancy firm. The Centre is built in The Netherlands, next to our production facility.

Above the research, it is also the place where we are testing new innovations, which has to enter the market in upcoming years.

Study background

  • Independent evidence

    One of the goals in this Researcch & Innovation Centre is to create independent evidence of the performance of a Draintalent system. That’s the reason we’ve asked an independent consultancy firm to supervise the study.

  • 11 plots

    There are 11 plots with various soil mixtures, comparable with amateur and professional sports fields. 7 plots are connected with a Draintalent, 4 plots are built with gravity drainage.

  • Innovations

    Next to the research for Draintalent, we’ve installed a couple new innovations. One of them is a new type of field heating installed, which will support the energy transition in the sports market.

Contact us

Let us know if you are interested in the research we’re doing. We would be happy to share the results, discuss possibilities for your local situation, or schedule a meeting to show you the Research & Innovation Centre.

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